October 22, 2024
What is the Student Advisory Group (SAG)?
  • The IPHA Student Advisory Group serves as a connector and liaison between Indiana students with an interest in public health and IPHA staff & leadership. This group serves as a voice for student needs and guides IPHA’s efforts to provide students with meaningful engagement opportunities.
  • Student Members of the SAG participate in the following activities:
    • Assess and advocate for student needs;
    • Collaborate with IPHA staff & leadership; and
    • Implement projects to facilitate meaningful student engagement experiences & opportunities with IPHA.
  • For example, the SAG is currently working on projects such as a student workshop series, a student webpage, and a networking platform through LinkedIn.
How do I become a Student Member of the SAG?
  • SAG Student Member Eligibility Requirements:
    • Must be an IPHA member
    • Must be an undergraduate or graduate student at an Indiana college or university
    • Must be pursuing a health-related degree and/or have a specific interest in public health
    • Must be a student for duration of 1-year term of service
  • Student Member Duties:
    • Participate in monthly SAG meetings
    • Contribute ~5 hours per month to SAG activities and projects
    • Commit to 1-year term of service
Apply to join the IPHA Student Advisory Group! 

Students! Are you looking for a way to get involved with the Indiana Public Health Association? Apply to join our Student Advisory Group! 

IPHA is always seeking new ways to better connect with students across Indiana, and we need your help! SAG members have the unique opportunity to guide, influence, and lead our various student outreach and engagement projects.  

The application period occurs during the Spring semester. Check back here for more information!